Saturday 19 July 2008

Jet boat

Seen this mad Jet boat when on holiday, desperate for a ride in one of those, however I have seen ones that go down rivers instead of on the sea so that sounds more interesting and dangerous.

Quite fancy another shot on a jet ski, just as a side issue.

Parachute from teh hot air baloon

Seperate from the previous post, why not jump out a baloon, that would be a rush.

Hot Air Balloon

Added to the bucket list.

Most be somewhere warm and must have cold champainge.

Parascending and Submarining - Completed

Some may argue that this should go on the bucket list as I have added it and completed it all in the same post.

But, i didnt realise that I wanted to do either until well I seen them.

So as I was on holiday, I just went and did them on the spur of the moment.

Paracsending, Im not sure what made this good, maybe it was that I did it with my 12 year old adrenalin junkie daughter abbie. It felt pretty good up there, but it was all very calm and peacfull, I was expecting a rush, but it wasnt, it was more serene. Wasnt looking forward to the landing but it was smooth as silk. Abbie and I got to go up together which was pretty good and the speedboat ride was awesome.

A german guy was next and the spanish guys dunked him in the water a few times which was really funny.

Submarining, not something I had planned to be on my bucket list, but it was really good.

It was your typical holiday outing but I have to say that both the kids and I really enjoyed it.

It went down about 25 meters and we were down there for about an hour.